Tiramisu Espressi


Tiramisu EspressiTiramisu Espressi


  • ⅓ cup mascarpone
  • ⅓ cup thickened cream
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar, sifted
  • 12-16 small amaretti biscuits
  • 40ml Marsala wine
  • 4 x double espresso ristretto (volume of around 160ml)
  • Grated good-quality dark chocolate, to sprinkle
  • 90ml demitasse glass


  1. Whisk cream and icing sugar in a small bowl until soft peaks form. Fold through mascarpone. Cover and refrigerate until needed.
  2. Layer the biscuits into the base of a 90ml demitasse glass.
  3. Pour the Marsala over the biscuits, followed by the espresso. Spoon the mascarpone mixture on top. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and serve immediately.