Sausage and Egg Muffin


Sausage and Egg MuffinSausage and Egg Muffin

Preparation time

2 minutes

Cooking time

7 minutes




  • 145g pork sausage meat
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 muffins cut in half
  • 2 cheese slices


  1. Preheat Sunbeam Pie Magic®. with lid closed.
  2. When the green READY light comes on, mould sausage meat into two patties, place each in the pie maker base and close lid and cook for 3 mins.
  3. Turn patties over. Add an egg in each of the remaining pie maker bases. Close lid and cook for 2 mins.
  4. Remove patties and egg onto absorbent paper.
  5. Wipe pie maker with paper towel.
  6. Place one half of muffin in pie make and top with cheese, sausage patty, egg and another half muffin. Close lid and cook for 2 mins.

Cook's Tip

If you can’t find sausage meat, peel skin of two sausages and use meat.