Sunbeam Coffee Hub

Sunbeam Coffee HubSunbeam Coffee Hub

Welcome to Sunbeam Coffee Hub!

At Sunbeam we believe coffee needn’t be complicated, it should be just that…simply great.

We have studied the art of coffee making. We know that temperature control and precision are required to create delicious tasting coffee. We have designed well-thought through machines and put what is needed inside, to keep things simple on the outside.

So you can rely on our range of machines to deliver simply great coffee, every time.

Café Quality


Look out for the 58mm café-size group head when choosing an espresso machine – one of the most important factors to delivering rich, delicious tasting espresso.

The wider basket size means coffee is more evenly spread in the filter basket, extracting the maximum amount of flavour each time.

Make Simply Great Coffee

Learn how to make simply great coffee with our videos below:

Setting up your grinder & tamping precision: Your grind settings, dosage and tamping technique all affect the quality and taste of your espresso.


Learn how to make simply great coffee with our videos below:

Setting up your grinder & tamping precision: Your grind settings, dosage and tamping technique all affect the quality and taste of your espresso.

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Learn how to make simply great coffee with our videos below:

  • Setting up your grinder & tamping precision: Your grind settings, dosage and tamping technique all affect the quality and taste of your espresso.
  • Perfect your extraction & optimise the flavour in the cup: Learn how to remedy an over or under extracted coffee and discover the key signs of a perfect espresso including: the colour, taste, consistency of the pour and the time of the shot.
  • How to achieve delicious silky milk: Super simple tips to keep in mind for perfecting milk texturing.
  • Mastering styles: A collection of the most popular coffee styles that you can order at your local café; from a piccolo to a cappuccino. Master the classics and bring the café into your home!